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Web 2.0 Poster

Web 2.0 Poster

Bildquelle: Sebastian Prooth

Ich habe gerade eine witziges web 2.0 Poster gefunden. Also auf der schnelle finde ich Logos von, Blogger, digg, del.icio.us,amazon,myspace,youtube,technorati,skype,yahoo!,odeo,ask,flickr,AdBrite,LastFM,TechCrunch und Google. Das Poster würde ich gerne mir in mein Arebitszimmer hängen.

Wie viele Logos könnt ihr finden? 🙂

7 Kommentare zu „Web 2.0 Poster“

  1. It is fantastic.
    I will look at a Plotter ..
    It reflects the precise plan a semantic wikis.
    Each has its Chaos order.
    I have a lot of associations to it.
    The Enthropie and Enthalphie (what is between!!!)
    The chaos has an order and the contents turn in one pattern.
    The pattern between 0 …….. 1, because that looks like Chrome. I can not find the
    Google…..cc ….de….com….Serveradress. It is not a IP-Adress. Perhaps it is a IP8 whith .v8??
    Meet and Match net..
    The theme could be “knowledge to new knowledge, which made use of knowledge can apply “….
    Also learn faster, because complexity can be very simple.
    It looks like a Fourietransformationen in a neuronale net with Fussy-logig.
    Vielleicht hat das Bild ja eine Formel aus der Kombinatorik.

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